COVID-19 Updates from LWC

A Message from LWC:

First and foremost, we hope that all of our graduates, members, and current class members are healthy and taking every precaution to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and flatten the curve. For ongoing, reliable information, please refer to the Washington County Health Department and the Maryland Department of Health. For business resources, Tim Luipersbeck (LWC Class 31) is doing a wonderful job keeping us informed from the Washington County Chamber of Commerce.

Your small but mighty LWC staff is working from home, holding committee meetings by conference calls, communicating virtually with graduates and class members and doing our best to be a conduit for helpful information and uplifting news.

Our mission has always been to develop leaders who will serve our community, and during a time of crisis, it’s the true leaders who step up, lean in, and do the hard work. We are grateful to the medical and mental health professionals, first responders, non-profits and all of the other unsung “helpers” across this generous community. If we can share your efforts, help connect to resources, and otherwise support our vast network of leadership graduates, please let us know.

Be well. Revel in the blooms of Spring. Practice kindness. As always #takethelead and continue to model the positivity and leadership we greatly need right now.

Tara Sargent (301-992-3085 m)
Christina Williams (202-489-3818 m)


Thank you to our LWC & LH graduates that are doing good work during this crisis!!

We see our community bankers at CNB Bank, led by President & CEO Mark Harrell (LH Class 12) and Middletown Valley Bank, led by President & CEO BJ Goetz (LH Class 18) stepping in to help their customers weather the economic downturn. Small business owners like Kim (LWC Class 31) & Scott Bowen (LWC Class 30) are utilizing MSB Architects’ 3D printer to produce desperately needed personal protective equipment. Washington County’s amazing non-profit leaders like Addie Nardi (LWC Class 23) who in just a couple of weeks launched online programming to serve their members and other youth in our community. Heather Guessford (LWC Class 26) CEO of the Washington County United Way and her colleagues, including Karen Goldstein (LWC Class 26), Director of Finance, delivered meals to elderly community members. Our local government leaders are doing an excellent job of communicating with the public, and we are proud of our graduates in those critical leadership roles: Scott Nicewarner, Administrator for the City of Hagerstown (LH Class 8), Kirk Downey, Interim County Administrator (LH Class 17), and Sheriff Doug Mullendore (LWC Class 23). And finally, the work of the Washington County Public School system, led by Superintendent Dr. Boyd Michael (LWC Class 22) to support its students with meals and learning resources has been outstanding.


Looking for ways to help?  For Our City  Want up to date news & updates?? SEK COVID Insights  Support the community in relief fund: Washington County COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Fund


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